What is Interactivity in Arts?

I am a visual artist, so I get a lot of answers from images and videos.
For me 2 levels of inspiration: the interaction between sounds and colors, shapes and words, colors and music…an art with another art, a dialogue between the arts through technology.
The second level is between arts and people.
In this way the interactive art is an aestethic experience where art and technology interact together.It is a relationship between the art object and the human person.
About Yoko Ono and/or Marina Abramovich, the performance is another point of view: the interactivity between the artist and the viewer who participates becomes a form of collaboration.
It happens that involved the senses, the emotions, a new participatory relationship between people and the artist.These are my first thoughts.
Here an experiment with video, about sounds, colors, forms.
Just an initial idea of self-portrait.
I want think of it like a personal performance event.
So I’ll create a video piece about myself.
My vision of art in these recent years, has denied the self-portrait and pictures of myself. I want to talk about the artwork depriving it of myself.
So my self-portrait will be on my objects, my life, my environment…
Packer added some points of view, here what He said:
Collaboration is the key to more advanced forms of interactive art. As the artist gives up the central role of the work, inviting the viewer to participate in the creation of the work, it opens up many new realms of possibilities. It’s not that there is anything wrong and diminished about objects that invite more aesthetic or cerebral forms of interaction, it’s just that in the hyper-mediated world we live in today, when social media has become integral to the lives of many individuals, that a more non-hierarchical, collective approach to the relationship between artist and viewer is an important and timely direction for contemporary art.